Kindle 99 Cent Sale

Hello everyone, I’m having a Kindle 99 Cent Sale.  I’m hoping everyone is doing well in this strange and uncertain time.  With more to do free time on our hands, it’s hard to know what to do. Reading is always something to do to take our minds off what ails the world by jumping into something different and unexpected. Reading has always been a passion of mine as well as writing.

Kindle 99 Cent Sale

Writing for me is cathartic, giving me a way to release the turmoil within myself. To share me with you, I’ve decided to put the Kindle editions of my books on sale for 99cents through April 8th. All I ask in return is that you share your thoughts on Amazon in the form of a review. It doesn’t have to be long, only a few words are all that is needed. I appreciate everyone who’s taken the time in the past do this simple gesture.

Kindle 99 Cent Sale

Amazon Kindle

Here are all of my books. Hover over the book cover, then click the Available on Amazon Kindle button to go to Amazon. You can also click the above button to view my Amazon page.

Kindle 99 Cent Sale

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