Home Featured Reviews RRBC Neon Houses by Linda Mims @boom_lyn #RRBC #Thriller
Home Featured Reviews RRBC Neon Houses by Linda Mims @boom_lyn #RRBC #Thriller

Neon Houses by Linda Mims @boom_lyn #RRBC #Thriller

Neon Houses is a dystopian thriller set in the future with flying cars and psychic abilities. It follows Noel as she tries to solve the strange murder of a young woman while working as a school leader in the bad part of town and being a devoted wife.

Linda created characters who are relatable, each having strong traits and personalities in a world that isn’t much different than our own. There were times I lost sight of the plot as the many layers of what was happening caused it to blur. Though, I cannot say that anything she wrote was bad. I enjoyed every word and the vividness of everything she showed me.

I gave Neon Houses 4 out of 5 Stars.

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