Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 5 Star Not Horror Movies The Munsters (2022) #Retro #Remake @RobZombie
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 5 Star Not Horror Movies The Munsters (2022) #Retro #Remake @RobZombie

The Munsters (2022) #Retro #Remake @RobZombie

The Munsters poster

I was excited when I heard Rob Zombie was making a Munsters movie. Of course, I had questions. After seeing his other films, how could I not? I saw the posts on Instagram and was delighted that the campiness would be intact and confirmed by the first trailer.

I read reviews that said there was no conflict, but I strongly disagree. There was tons of conflict. Lily falls in love with Herman at first sight and upsets The Count, The Count and Lester, Lester and Zoya, The Count and Zoya, and there’s more, but I guess it wasn’t strong enough for those folks, while it worked wonders for me.

I listened to the soundtrack before I saw The Munsters and was drawn into the world even without knowing the visuals that went along with it. You should check that out, too; it’s on most music platforms (if not all).

This film is a prequel to all that is The Munsters and filled in blanks for me that I always wondered about with the storyline. Now, that those questions are answered, I’m satisfied. (Really, I didn’t mean that with sarcasm.) I loved the strangeness of the sets and Sherrie’s poses. I laughed more times than I expected from those simple things. Then there are Herman’s “dad jokes,” wow, just, wow. 

I’m not telling you anything else about The Munsters, except you must see it and I gave it 5 out of 5 Stars.

The Munsters (2022) #Retro #Remake @RobZombie Click To Tweet
