Home #RRBC Book Review Book Reviews The Enigma Factor by Charles V Breakfield & Roxanne E Burkey #RRBC #Book #Review
Home #RRBC Book Review Book Reviews The Enigma Factor by Charles V Breakfield & Roxanne E Burkey #RRBC #Book #Review

The Enigma Factor by Charles V Breakfield & Roxanne E Burkey #RRBC #Book #Review

The Enigma Factor has been on my reading list for a while, and now that I’ve finally had the chance to read it, I wish I hadn’t. The reason for that statement is it got me thinking about my passwords and cyber security; is my encryption enough?

The story revolves around Jacob Michaels, who works in the cyber security world. As the story progresses, he is whisked away from his ordinary life into one filled with criminals and countries plotting against each other. There is a point in the story where the pieces come together, though he’s not as upset or freaked out about what he learns as I expected him to be.

While The Enigma Factor isn’t my usual genre to read, I found it well done and entertaining.

I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

About The Enigma Factor

A brilliant programmer is targeted by cyber predators!

Jacob Michaels, computer network security-tester extraordinaire, tries to settle into a quiet life of work to polish his cyber security skills after the death of his mother. Jacob is unaware that his growing reputation makes him a person of interest.

Cyber-criminals are hunting for new recruits. They target this brilliant programmer to seduce him into joining their cause. More people are hunting him than just the Russian cyber kingpin.

Jacob sets off to find those who are targeting him. He discovers he’s in the crosshairs of previously unknown global experts. Of course, having his identity erased puts him front and center above anything else.

Buzz, when looking for the easy way, makes a ghastly judgement error and inadvertently crosses the line to the darknet. He pleads to his best friend Jacob for help. Jacob, brilliant as he is, doesn’t have enough experience to help Buzz on his own.

Jacob battles against global cyber masterminds using his knowledge of programming, identity theft, and hacking. He is pulled up short when his security knowledge is dwarfed following his introduction to the distractingly beautiful encryptionist Petra.

Jacob’s challenge is how to keep ahead of the criminals and learn who to trust.
