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The Road To Saratin #ReadersFavorite #Review

In my email this morning, I found a link to a review from Readers’ Favorite for The Road to Saratin . I always get a little anxious when I get these and I put off opening them for a little while. I shouldn’t have waited, because it’s a 5 Star review. The Review Reviewed by Michelle Mollohan for Readers’ Favorite Charles W Jones’s The Road To Saratin is a gripping dystopian saga. There is a mysterious chemical attack that causes mutations in humans. Carl is a 28-year-old man who was taken to the Freedom Institute under the care of Dr. Emerson Sharod when he was just 6 years old. Carl hears mysterious voices all talking at once in a jumble that he can rarely interpret. Dr. Sharon experimented on him to try to tease the voices out. Despite Carl emphatically stating that he no longer hears the voices, Dr. Sharon does not believe him. One day the voices speak to him as one, telling him that it is time to leave. He walks out of the Institute and is shocked by the changes to the outside world

The Altar Boy: A Dark Tale of Comedy Sorrow and the Catholic Church in the 1960s by Phil Stephens #Book #Review #RRBC

The Altar Boy is one of those stories that I had difficulty putting down as I wanted to know what would happen next. I related to Carl with his fears of the dark field and creepy people in his hometown and a few of his other experiences. Phil did a fantastic job taking me back in time to an era that I’ve heard so much about but not experienced because I wasn’t born yet. I loved the music references. They gave an extra dimension to the story, making me enjoy it more. And I swear, at one point, I smelled a hint of patchouli. The Altar Boy is one of the most chaotic tales of growing up that I have ever read, and I am happy to have spent time with Carl and his family. I gave The Altar Boy 5 out of 5 Stars. The Altar Boy: A Dark Tale of Comedy Sorrow and the Catholic Church in the 1960s by Phil Stephens #Book #Review #RRBC Click To Tweet About The Altar Boy: A Dark Tale of Comedy Sorrow and the Catholic Church in the 1960s Black-robed nuns, priests, bishops, the select fraternity of Altar B

Welcome to "SONGS OF HEARTSTRINGS" Blog Tour! @MHurdle112 #4WillsPub #RRBC

Day 5 From the Author This is Day 5 of “Songs of Heartstrings” Blog Tour. I want to thank 4WillsPublishing for setting up the tour and my host to have me here. This poetry collection includes nine themes: Songs of Nature, Songs of Dissonance, Songs of Physical Healing, Songs of Marriage, Songs of Parenthood, Songs of Tribute, Songs of Reflections, Songs of Challenge, and Songs of Inspiration. Each of these themes covers various aspects of my life experience. Many poems are illustrated with my photos and watercolor paintings. Songs of Heartstrings received a 5-Star review from Readers’ Favorite: . Other book reviews are available on Amazon:  Highlighted Poems from Songs of Parenthood Photography, watercolor painting and ceramic painting are several of my favorite hobbies. I painted “Mother-Daughter Holding Hands” which illus

#B-Movie #Book #Review - Cannibal Nuns From Outer Space by Duncan P Bradshaw @DuncanPBradshaw

Yes, you read the post title correctly. Cannibal Nuns From Outer Space is a B-Movie in book format. Confused? I was a little at first when I received the email from Mr. Bradshaw explaining the format of his book. Here’s the snippet of that email explaining it: Being digital, the Kindle version is done like you’re in the cinema watching it on the big screen. The physical books are done like a DVD, so you have bonus material which you wouldn’t obviously get from watching it ‘live’ so to speak. Once I began reading, I completely understood his intentions and was delighted with the opening trailers. That’s right. Opening trailers. Pretty clever if you ask me. Then the main feature began as you would expect when sitting in a comfy seat at the theatre. As I read, I was instantly whisked away to a dark and stormy night. The scene is of an exorcism filled with slapstick and droll remarks. Yes, it’s a B-Movie alright where I can clearly see Brits trying their best to remain calm. The only thing

Fear in Souls: Reaper (Fear in Flesh Book 2) by Hesham N. Ali #Zombies #Horror #Book Review

Had I known Fear in Souls: Reaper was about zombies, I probably wouldn’t have read it, because, well, I’m just not a fan of them. But what Hesham does with them is intriguing and I’m glad that I read the book. The zombie part aside, the story of the people and the changes in them are what is imparting in this story. Violet and her brother both survived in a way that was unexpected, keeping me interested. The world Hesham created is horrifying with rich visualizations of the monsters and the settings as the story progresses. Now, if you’re worried about not reading Fear in Flesh Book 1 before reading this one, don’t as it seems like an anthology series and this one focuses on Death. I 100% recommend this book and give it 4 out of 5 Stars. About Fear in Souls Fear … Hatred … Judgment … Deliverance For what’s worse than Death itself coming after your soul? Violet Turner is wrapped inside a cocoon of darkness, knowing not where she stands, losing her will to survive. But what of the four r

Avernus Island (The Monsters & Mayhem Collection Book 2) by Patrick McNulty #Book Review

  I didn’t pay attention to the fact that this is Book 2 in The Monsters & Mayhem Collection and didn’t notice anything that connects the first book to this one (maybe, I’ll read it to find out). That being said, I don’t think it matters because I didn’t feel like I walked into something pre-existing.  Avernus Island is creepy and dark and unsettling. It kept me interested and I had a hard putting it down. The strangeness of what happens was amazing as was the back story, showing what caused the darkness to come to this island. I gave Avernus Island 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !

#Book #Review The Witness by S.A. Felix #Paranormal #Romance #LGBTQ

S.A. Felix created a strange world where “Undead” come to life with the assistance of a Riser. Then there are Witnesses who find them and help them pass on. Sorry folks, no traditional zombies in this one; there’s not even horror. What is there is the charming tale of Atsushi (a Witness), who falls in love with an “Undead,” Yoshiki. That part is a little creepy if you look at it from the necrophilia side of things. But the story isn’t even about that. It’s more like a man falling in love with a ghost, who then gets the chance to change events in the past. The biggest problem with this book is the editing. It felt like S.A. Felix wrote it in Japanese, then used Google Translate for English. If that is the case, it needs a thorough edit from a Native English speaker to work out the kinks, because the story is amazing. I did enjoy the accent though, helping me feel as though I were in Japan. I admit, at times, I giggled at the strange wordings and phrases, reminding me of old Godzilla mov

Heaven's Peak: A Gripping Horror Novel by Miguel Estrada #Book Review

  Heaven’s Peak is about Kevin Miller, who’s recently moved to a new town with his father and sister after his mom died; they’re hoping for a fresh start. Unfortunately, the freshness doesn’t last long as his father falls back into his old routine of drinking and not remembering he and his sister exist.  The darkness that overlays this story is harsh and not friendly and one of the many reasons I enjoyed this book. The agony the main characters feel is translated very well and I was pleased to have found this book. I gave Heaven’s Peak 5 Stars. Get your copy on Amazon !

#Book Review - Broken Revelations: Horsemen Rising by Albert Scott

Lately, I’ve had the luck of finding some excellent books about Fallen Angels, and Broken Revelations: Horsemen Rising reaches levels I didn’t expect. Albert Scott takes a young man, Adrian, who is like the rest of us, looking for love and a place where he belongs and shows us a world that is unexpected and dark, though beautiful at the same time. The interaction of Adrian and his friends has a genuine feeling. Even when everything that he knows changes into a bizarre melding of heaven and hell, he keeps his sarcastic sense of humor. Having the location of the story somewhere that I’m familiar with is always a bonus when I read a book as I think Oh, I know that place . Albert Scott’s visualizations are amazing, showing each character and location so that it’s vivid in my mind and not easy to shake. While not everything is perfect, I enjoyed the story. Congratulations on your first book, Mr. Scott, and I look forward to reading more from you! I give Broken Revelations: Horsemen Rising b

#Gothic #Horror #LGBTQ+ #Book #Review - The Haunting of Holden Castle by Ben Tousey

I’ve not read many LGBTQ+ novels because they tend to be romance or flat out porn, which is just not my thing. When I found out that a dear friend from years past, Ben Tousey, had written an LGBTQ+ Gothic Horror novel, I had to read it. And I’m glad I did. The creepiness and dark feelings of the story start rather quickly as Tony and Sean are thrown into the rolls of their ghostly doppelgängers and are destined to live what happened many years ago. Each turn of the page is met with a terrifying dream or haunted experience that overlaps reality. While there is a hint of romance intertwined in the story, it doesn’t overpower the events but adds a layer of realness and charm. There are also cheese moments that are cleverly inserted to relieve the tension the characters are feeling. I give The Haunting of Holden Castle 5 out of 5 Stars. About The Haunting of Holden Castle Holden Castle has dark, turbulent, secrets and two innocent young men find themselves standing in proxy, reliving the r

#Zombie #HorrorStory Review - Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) by Donna Burgess @horrorgirldonna #PromoteHorror

I don’t know what it is about Zombies that has caused the onslaught of movies and books and stories about them in recent years, but I don’t mind, I’m really enjoying what I’m experiencing. Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) by Donna Burgess is one of the better that I’ve read recently. The story moves quickly, and there’s an interesting twist with the Zombie featured in this one. The best thing about this short book (novella?) is that everything was vivid in my mind as I read. Great job, Donna. I give Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) 4 out of 5 Stars. About Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) When Morgan and Savannah’s tire blows, they’re positive they’re going to be stuck forever in Shitkicker, Alabama. But along comes hunky Johnny, their knight-in-not-so-shining-primer, and their bad day takes a turn for the better. Or so they think. The thing is, Johnny has a twin brother named Mikey, who’s starving for some fresh college chick flesh, and an inbred family set on making sure Mikey gets his d

Join in the celebration of #RRBCAuthor @sharrislaughter, #RRBC's November "SPOTLIGHT" Author! #Author of #OurLadyOfVictory

Please welcome Shirley Harris-Slaughter today. She’s a great supporter of every RRBC Author and a wonderful person. About Our Lady of Victory (Second Edition) This is a second edition with updates on the state of this historic church. In the original publication, files were lost then resurfaced with content altered along with missing photos during transition from one publisher to another. Such is the fate of an Independent Author. This book evolved out of years of frustration at the total disregard and lack of respect for the contributions of Black Catholics in the city of Detroit. The author says, “We are not mentioned in the pages of history along with the other Catholic churches that sprung up during the World War II era, and that needed to be corrected.” The author did fulfill one dream since publication … that this church can now be found on the web even though it has merged with another church. It is now called Presentation-Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church. About Shirley Harri

The Dying Game by Sara Schoen #Book Review

The Dying Game is like many teen horror movies, with a group of friends traveling to have an exciting adventure, and that’s precisely what they got, though it wasn’t what they wanted. Two things bothered me about this book and why I only gave it 3 Stars. The prologue felt like a poorly written synopsis of the story I was about to read, making it worse with the use of first-person, leading me to the next thing. The use of first-person can hinder a story, making it feel clunky, as it did with this book. I’ve read many first-person tales, and they felt natural, but this one wasn’t one of them. I gave The Dying Game 3 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !  

Tamed (Werepets Unleashed Book 1) by Douglas R. Brown #Book Review

Tamed is an interesting take on werewolves, slavery, and how things are run by unscrupulous people and I loved it. Every page kept me engaged, making me wonder what was going to happen next. The book is filled with action and I felt a strong connection to the characters as they worked to bring justice to the WerePets. I gave Tamed 4 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !  


GIVEAWAY Check this out! You can win a $25 Amazon Gift Card & 1 e-book or paperback copy of one book in the Haunted Shores series (Winner’s choice). Simply leave a comment below for your chance to win! Why set a Christmas mystery in sunny Florida, of all places? This is one the first questions I’ve received from readers of my new ghost story/mystery, SCARLET AT CRYSTAL RIVER. That is, after they share how much they love the two kids, and the romantic honeymoon, and Luis, and the manatees And it’s a fair question. When you mention a Christmas mystery, images of snow-covered cabins and frosty mugs of hot cocoa spring to mind. Of feet stomping the frozen ground and breaths expelling a white cloud while questioning suspects. Not swimming in the warm surf or lounging on the porch in only a shirt. Before beginning the first draft of SCARLET AT CRYSTAL RIVER, I’d read quite a number of Christmas mysteries, from Agatha Christie’s Hercule Parole’s Christmas to Mary Higgins Clark’s The Chris