Showing posts with the label RRBC


The One Betrayed by Yvette M Calleiro #Fantasy #Review #RRBC @YvetteMCalleiro

The One Betrayed is the third installment in the Chronicles of the Diasodz and shows what happened to Rafe after Sofia went with Ar’ch and Angel (basically an overlay of Book 2). This book is quite the page-turner, and I had a hard time putting it down even when my eyelids started to get heavy. If you haven’t read this series, I highly recommend it. I gave The One Betrayed 4 out of 5 Stars. The One Betrayed by Yvette M Calleiro #Fantasy #Review #RRBC @YvetteMCalleiro Click To Tweet

The One Betrayed by Yvette M Calleiro #Fantasy #Review #RRBC @YvetteMCalleiro

  The One Betrayed is the third installment in the Chronicles of the Diasodz and shows what happened to Rafe after Sofia went with Ar’ch and Angel (basically an overlay of Book 2). This book is quite the page-turner, and I had a hard time putting it down even when my eyelids started to get heavy. If you haven’t read this series, I highly recommend it. I gave The One Betrayed 4 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !

The Edge of Fear by Maura Beth Brennan #RRBC #Thriller #Review

The Edge of Fear is about a couple who lose their child to revenge kidnapping because the kidnapper thinks he’s owed because she’s his ex-wife. I was captivated by the intensity of the emotions that Brennan conveyed. Each page was filled with scenes that felt real. At one point in the story, it stalled, which made what I was reading more real as I can expect that a parent that has lost a child to kidnapping would feel that their life had stalled as they waited for their child to walk through the door. The Edge of Fear is well written and gripping and that is why I gave it 5 out of 5 Stars. About Mara Beth Maura Beth lives in a small town in the pinelands of New Jersey. A lover of words and books since childhood, she found ways to incorporate writing into a variety of jobs, from editing an organizational newsletter to writing for the federal government. Now pursuing writing for pleasure, she is the author of two full-length novels, as well as a number of short stories. When not writing,...

Welcome to Day 4 of the #RRBC March "SPOTLIGHT" Author Blog Tour! #JoyMLilley @JoyGerken @RRBC_Org #FigsVinesRoses #RRBC #RRBCSA

FIGS, VINES & ROSES by Author, Joy M. Lilley Chapter 7 Snippet: Clarence was extremely unhappy when he first arrived at Rugby School. It took him a long time to understand the principles of education there, and the high expectations demanded of the pupils. The boys worked from seven in the morning until ten at night six days a week and studied the Bible equally hard on Sundays. Compared to his education at home, this new routine came as a huge shock. He had known relative freedom in his tutoring up until now, and the strict discipline of religious and moral principles, followed closely by the standards of gentlemanly conduct and the pressures of the academic requirements, all took their toll on him. The students were from the same middle and upper-class background as Clarence, but he found it difficult to be away from home and he missed Isabella immensely. The worst experience he had to endure was being bullied. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t the leader of the pack, but ...

Welcome to Day 4 of the CALLING ALL GRANDMAS Blog Tour featuring Author, Harriet Hodgson! @healthmn1 @4WillsPub @4WP11 @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA

Today, I’m honored to host the amazing Harriet Hodgson and her book Calling All Grandmas! Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment. GIVEAWAY: (2) $5 Amazon gift cards Adding Emotion to Nonfiction Writing I’m a non-fiction author, yet my writing contains emotion. Sometimes my emotions are detailed in descriptive sentences. Other times they are expressed with dialogue. Writing about emotions takes extra effort. Why should you add emotions to nonfiction writing? Emotion links the author and reader. Rob Parnell, in his website article, “How to Write About Emotion,” says emotions make us uniquely human. Life isn’t all about what happens, he continues, “it is the way we react to events and people and the things they say that defines our experience of the world.” Emotion serves as a “hook.” Dialogue is one way to hook a reader, according to Mary Jaksch. She expands this point in her website article, “3 Things You Need to Know about Using Dialogue in Non-Fiction.” What makes dialogue a hoo...

Welcome to the WATCH RWISA WRITE 2022 Anthology Release! "Life Is But A Rose Garden" @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA

Introducing the WATCH RWISA WRITE 2022 Anthology, “Life Is But A Rose Garden,” debuting on Amazon today for only $2.99! We invite you to take a look at the promo for this little gem below, and lastly, we ask for your support by purchasing a copy, as well as spreading the word of its release via your own social media! Friends, thank you for dropping by today in support of this new release! We hope that what you find between the covers brings you much joy and pleasure as you read it, and we also hope that some of what you find here will give you pause – just a little pause, though, before you hop to your feet and spring into action! There are many calls to action in this little gem! Thank you, again, for your support!

Welcome to the GHOSTLY INTERFERENCE 1 Day/5 Blog Tour! @JanSikes3 @4WillsPub @4WP11 @RRBC_Org @Tweets4RWISA #RRBC #RWISA

Giveaway – (2) e-book copies of GHOSTLY INTERFERENCE SEXUAL ADVANCES IN THE WORKPLACE Hello, and welcome to one of the final stops on my Ghostly Interference blog tour! I am honored to be here today. Sexual advances in the workplace is as common as a coffee pot in the break room. But we tend to think of them as being a man coming onto a woman. In Ghostly Interference, Jag Peters is forced to deal with unwanted sexual advances from his boss Yvette (Yvette Calleiro this in NO way reflects on you). 🙂 His boss continually tries to corner him and it finally escalates to a breaking point. I’ll share a short excerpt. Within minutes, he pulled into the crowded parking lot of the Glass Slipper. He’d make a few minutes of polite talk with his co-workers, then excuse himself. He liked the project Yvette had assigned him, and he wanted to stay there. But he had limits as to how far he’d go. Crowds freaked him out and made his underarms sweat. This place was packed. He squeezed through a grou...

Susanne Leist @SusanneLeist - #RRBC Spotlight Author #RRBCSA

Today, I welcome Susanne Leist, the RRBC Spotlight Author for September 2020. HE HAS COME FOR ME – WRITTEN FOR PREY FOR THE DEAD (Note about the poem from Susanne Leist.) Poetry began as a way to promote my books. Now, it is one of my passions. This poem describes Wolf’s love for Linda, a vampire who loves a human. HE HAS COME FOR ME He has come for me. I’ll never be free. He comes at night, Fear at first sight. He claims his love, But he’s no dove. He’s evil as can be, Always searching for me. I must hide until morning, Or the town will be mourning. The devil hides his face. I know his deadly pace. His footsteps ring hollow. Steps quicken to follow. He sings a sweet song. I know I’m not wrong. The devil is right behind me, Even though his face, I can’t see. He has me in his grasp. I cry out with a gasp. He kisses me with passion. I know this is his fashion To take what is not his And make me into his. THE DEAD AT HEART William’s bite bonded Shana to...


AUTHOR BIO: Jan Sikes is an award-winning Texas author who has been called a wordsmith by her peers. She openly admits that she never set out in life to be an author. But she had a story to tell. Not just any story, but a true story that rivals any fiction creation. You simply can’t make this stuff up. It all happened. She chose to create fictitious characters to tell the story through, and they bring the intricately woven tale to life in an entertaining way. She released a series of music CDs to accompany the four biographical fiction books and then published a book of poetry and art to complete the story circle. And now that the story is told, Jan Sikes can’t find a way to put down the pen. She continues to write fiction and has published many short stories with a series of novels waiting in the wings. She is a member of Authors Marketing Guild, The Writer’s League of Texas, the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB (RRBC), the RAVE WRITER’S INT’L SOCIETY OF AUTHOR (RW...

Karen Black #RRBC July Spotlight Author

Today, I’m welcoming Karen Black, July’s RRBC Spotlight Author. She wrote Race Into Murder , which I absolutely loved. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by ghosts, spirits, and anything unknown, and a lot of my plots lean toward the paranormal, sometimes obvious and other times subtle. The first eBook I published, as an Indie Author, was “A Candle in the Darkness.” It is a story of life after death. I wrote it to ask two questions. Do the dead still live? Can those mourning a death go on with their life? I wrote “Candle” after I lost a close friend and would like to believe that some who read it will find hope, or maybe a sense of comfort. It’s one of my favorites. A Candle in the Darkness Flashing and dancing, the lightning would have been beautiful, illuminating the sky like fireworks on the fourth of July, but the rain and the wind made it frightening. Its beauty was lost in the violence of the storm. Valerie was driving to Maryland. Her husband’s funera...

Harriet Hodgson KCT Int'l Literary Awards Winner #RWISA

Today, I would like to congratulate Harriet Hodgson (I’ve posted about her before) for winning the KCT Int’l Literary Award for her book So, You’re Raising Your Grandkids! You can find more information about her on her page at the Rave Reviews Book Club . HARRIET HODGSON BIO Rochester, Minnesota resident Harriet Hodgson has been a freelance writer for 38 years, is the author of thousands of articles, and 36 books. She has a BS from Wheelock College in Boston, an MA from the University of Minnesota, and additional graduate training. Hodgson is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi). She is a contributing writer for the Open to Hope Foundation, The Grief Toolbox, and The Caregiver Space websites. Visit to read her articles. Hodgson has appeared on more than 185 talk radio shows, including CBS Radio, dozens of television stations, including CNN, and dozens of blog...